@ Simon: "Funny - seeing the name "Village Idiot" and Bush ... it just fits, LOL"
Double LOL! I would not have noticed that.
when i understood, jws are wrong in some vital areas [eg.
woman being viewed secondary, refusal to greet those differing with them ....], but right in other vital areas [such as their teaching that human rule is doomed, and will be replaced by gods rule], i began a diligent search for the right organization.
my search ended with brahmakumaris.
@ Simon: "Funny - seeing the name "Village Idiot" and Bush ... it just fits, LOL"
Double LOL! I would not have noticed that.
just to continue my theme about religious freedom and how we approach criticizing the wts, i've also been thinking about 'shunning'.. i think shunning is the most unifying complaint that most ex-members of religious groups that practice it have in common.
it is the layer that runs under every other complaint - whatever the reason for leaving it seems "... and i was shunned" can be added to it as the final rap on the charge sheet.. of course it seems like a no-brainer to many of us and we hardly ever stop to really think about it - shunning is bad, the watchtower believes in shunning therefore the watchtower is bad.
they need to stop it.
@ DesirousOfChange: "His "mistake" was not telling them to FUCK OFF and that they have no control over him."
What DesirousOfChange said.
I myself have been in issues where I did not stand up to others in matters that affected me. I am an introvert by nature and I tend to avoid events that could lead to conflict but I regret not having stood up in those moments of truth.
If I were in his shoes I would have challenged the elders and told them to try throwing him out and if they did he would call the cops.
when i understood, jws are wrong in some vital areas [eg.
woman being viewed secondary, refusal to greet those differing with them ....], but right in other vital areas [such as their teaching that human rule is doomed, and will be replaced by gods rule], i began a diligent search for the right organization.
my search ended with brahmakumaris.
ok, so we know that the wt teaches that every sin can be forgiven, but if one leaves the org and becomes a "vile apostate", that is "sinning against the holy spirit" and can not be forgiven?.
so, murderous sick people are ok.. child abusers...ok. violent drug dealers ...ok. war mongering genocidal killers...ok. but, speak against the gb....not ok....you are the worst of the worst!.
makes perfect sense really hey?.
31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. Matthew 12:31-32 New International Version
That, I believe, is the scripture that they use to justify their position. They consider apostasy to be a crime against the holy spirit but anything else can be forgiven.
can there really be any doubt now on how commercial it is?
if you thought the new kh design seemed commercial in nature, now imagine one of those halls turned into a jw store.
we know they exist.
@ Half banana:
"...with such impressive print runs, not one of their books has any merit at all (unless you call indoctrination a merit)..."
I think about the Bible when I read that.
just come here to vent a bit.
last night we had one of those meeting where i had a hard time keeping my eyes from rolling.
i tell you, sometimes i think they have a mind of their own, my eyes that is.
@ Star TrekAngel:
"The giant wheels were four-sided and full of eyes so that they could see everywhere and could change direction instantly..."
Does Jehovah's chariot have a reverse?
check this out.
got this bound volume from my dad.. .
check this out.
got this bound volume from my dad.. .
@ Splash: "Just today I found an audio clip from a 1972 district convention reaffirming 1975."
Can you provide a link?
i remember some years ago when barbara did an expose of the child abuse issue on one of the networks, watchtower used the elders to inform the congregations not to view the program that was to be aired.
after this recent expose on npr, has there been any official watchtower release read as an announcement at the kingdom hall?.
"The WT even took out a huge ad in some of the biggest newspapers, saying the victim is just lying and none of it was true."
Sounds like a possible case of libel.